Each of us is born in blood and pain
To a world of violence, angst and fear,
Yet untarnished by its horrid stain...
Why so young a life, small and austere,
Should suffer, giv'n how delicate they are;
A question for a more celestial sphere...
Two young sisters, one with brand new car,
The other with the baby on the seat,
No seat belts, but they won't get too far...
The highway is a slippery, icy sheet;
The car begins to spin out of control --
Tossing them like dolls, with no retreat...
Panicked, both the sisters brace to roll,
The car careens toward the nearest ditch,
And slams into a wooden power pole...
Road trip ground to sudden, tragic halt,
Everybody thrown toward the dash --
Though all survive the accident's assault...
Brand new car left totalled in the crash,
Torn to jagged, twisted chunks of hull,
Live wires coil and slither, spit and flash...
Alone and cold, thoughts and senses dull
(Though the rescue team is on its way),
Neither see the baby's broken skull...
He'll make it through the trauma, day by day,
Though trapped in migraines, most unfairly mired,
Pleading for the pain to go away...
Still, good fortune left him unexpired;
Skull repaired with plastic surgery,
While deep inside, his brain will be rewired...
...And so it starts, from this precursory:
A quest to find one's purpose, love and joy,
And step into his rightful destiny....
But that's so far away; he's still a boy;
To his childhood we shall soon return --
A window to a past of little joy...
But heed, before a single page will turn:
Every note be true in this refrain,
From genesis, until the tale's adjourn.
- © Jackson Cambridge, 2016.