Eulogy – Emily Elizabeth Howard, 1963-2017
Here lies the body of Emily E --
So tragic and awful -- so pretty was she,
Brimming with kindness, the purest of hearts,
Bright and scholastic, a head full of smarts,
Famous throughout the whole Isle of Birdwell
Right to the day when her life went to hell:
Frail little body left broken and scarred
Found in a hole in the Howard's backyard...
..We gather here now in a sorrowful prayer
For the poor little girl in the grave over there
Remember her fondly, and let not our grief
Cloud our devotion or test our belief;
Make no mistake: Our poor, innocent friend
Fell prey to the demons and met her cruel end --
So let us find courage, my dear synagogue,
And hunt in God's name for that hellish red dog.
- © Jack C., 2017.